Informing, influencing, and encouraging the sports community to expand their knowledge of climate-related environmental issues means discovering answers to help people adapt to new changes, become more resilient and implement simple and essential solutions for the future of the planet. We provide a collection of free content, resulting from the dissemination of national and international research and scientific articles, bringing news and new learning. 


Sports for Climate Action Framework - ONU Climate Change

Sport for Climate Action -International Olympic Committee

Plano Gestão Sustentabilidade Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016, 2013.

Carbon Footprint Methodology for the Olympic Games - International Olympic Committee

Snow, climate change and the Winter Olympics - Olympic News.pdf, 2022

IOC Sustainability Report - International Olympic Committee, 2021

FURTHER FROM THE PODIUM: How climate change will affect sport in Brazil- Climate Observatory, 2016

Our Legacy and Sustainability Plan, Paris 2024 Olympic Games Organizing Committee

Souza, MBS; Rezende, EN. The Impacts of Climate Change on Sports Practice and State Civil Liability.

How climate change is threatening the Winter Olympics.Sport Ecology Group /Loughborough University London and Protect Our Winters UK,2022 is a free online platform dedicated to sport and sustainability

Araújo, CIP d. R.d. (2016). The Olympic Games of the Modern Era from the point of view of sustainable development. The Analysis focused on social,
environmental and economic dimensions.

How to be an excellent sustainable. International Olympic Committee -IOC/Athlete365 and United Nations Environment Program (UNEP),2022.


Climate Change - Everything you wanted and didn't want to know. Sergio Margulis, RJ- 2020

Climate Adaptation Plan of the State of Rio de Janeiro - Final Report

National Policy on Climate Change

Climate Change, Critical Infrastructure in Brazil and Economic Damage - IIS

Climate and Development: Visions for Brazil 2030 - Climate Center of COPPE-UFRJ, 2021

Climate Change 2022: Mitigating Climate Change-Sixth Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2022

21 Key Messages from the New IPCC Report - Climate Observatory, 2022

Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses by Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970–2019) (WMO-No. 1267) - Organization World Meteorological 


Atlas of Mangroves in Brazil / Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation. – Brasília:
Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation, 2018. 

Spalding, Mark D, and Leal, Maricé (editors), 2021 The State of Mangroves Around the World 2021. Global Mangrove

Santos, Isabela & Beltrão, Norma & Trindade, Ariadne. (2019). "BLUE" CARBON IN AMAZON MANS: CONSERVATION AND ECONOMIC VALUATION.

FERNANDEZ, Viviane. Where are we going with carbon sequestration? The sociotechnical network of carbon assimilated by mangroves.

Nunes, Jenefer de Oliveira-Carbono azul in mangrove and apicum areas on the coast of Piauí / Oliveira Nunes. 2020

Macedo, Amanda da Silva. Mangroves in Natural Sciences books / Amanda da Silva Macedo. – Rio de Janeiro, 2009.

Guidance on post-2020 mangrove indicators Global Biodiversity Framework, 2021

Identification of mangrove blue carbon barriers - key considerations for policymakers - Schneider, C., et al 2021.
“Identifying mangrove blue carbon walls. Key considerations for policymakers”. Blue Ventures, Bristol, UK.

Global Mangrove Map - Global Mangrove Alliance

A Manifesto calling for the inclusion of wetlands in the fight against climate change - Power of \wetlands